Social experiment: how many people are reading this blog? Not many.
Since this week’s topic is recognition, know this: it’s important, so do it. Praise in public (if that works for the person you’re recognizing), be specific, be genuine, do it now. That’s it.
As for me? Here’s who I want to recognize:
My mom. Since I told her I wanted to launch my own business she’s been unwaveringly supportive, as she has always been. I’ve done some crazy messed up stuff in my life, and no matter what, I know she loves me.
My bff, Stephanie. I can say anything to her. Literally. And I never have to explain. She gets it.
The incredible Leaders that I have worked with, who have been honest with me, who have recognized me when great things happen, and who have set me straight when I wasn’t on track. Thuy, I’ll never forget the conversation in the breakfast area at Gainey Ranch. Tiffany, I’ll never forget the conversation in your office about a year into my working with you at USH. Those were defining moments in my life, not just in my career.
Stephen King. He doesn’t know it, but his books and stories and On Writing have shaped me. FYI, I read Thinner when I was 11. My dad gave it to me on vacation at the beach in Misquamicut , RI (I love you so much, Dad), and I have never been the same. Mom was not happy about my reading choices going forward. 😉
This list is not even close to all-inclusive. I have a gazillion more people to recognize (Nae, Jess, Glenn, Luke, Cade, Joanie, Sandy, Nicky, Tracy, Tania, Tina Marie, Saif Ali . . . so, so many). If you’ve read this far, know that I appreciate you, too. I recognize you for taking the time to follow me, reading today’s blog, and investing in my success. Leave a heart or a comment in the post about this blog on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and I will be certain to send a sincere message of gratitude.
